How to Fix Prolific PL2303TA USB to Serial Do Not Support Windows 11 or Later
Prolific PL2303TA USB to Serial seems not natively supported by Windows 11. I found this issue after upgrading my operating system from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and getting a message on Device Manager saying "PL2303TA DO NOT SUPPORT WINDOWS 11 OR LATER, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER".
- On the Device Manager, right click on the "PL2303TA DO NOT SUPPORT WINDOWS 11 OR LATER, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER" then Select Uninstal. Check on “Attempt to remove the driver for this device” then click Uninstall. You might need to disable your internet connection, so Windows won't automatically install driver from Windows Update.
- Once the uninstall finished, download the correct driver from
Extract the zip, then install the PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.12.0.exe by selecting Run as Administrator - Once the installation finished, you should find the USB to Serial functioning normally.
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